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Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

Armor Mix untuk Monster Hunter 2Dos

Ini ada beberapa armor mix dari beberapa hunter nih,daru grup Shadow of Hunter (coba cari di fesbuk)......
klo bingung mau membuat mix armor,coba lihat dahulu beberapa mix armor berikut ^^

Title : devil-prey
-weapon : SnS, eternal strife
-helmet : velociprey U helmet lvl.5
-plete : velociprey U mail lvl.5
-gauntlets : genprey U vambrace lvl.5 (sharpng+2,sharpng+2)
-waist : genprey U tasset lvl.5 (sharpng+2,sharpng+2)
-leggings : ioprey U greaves lvl.5 (sharpng+2)

skill :
-quick hone

total def :

title : eagle-eyes
-weapon : bow, glorious victory
-helmet : ice-crystal earring lvl.1 (hearprotect+1)
-plete : lao-shan vest lvl.5
-gauntlets : lao-shan guard lvl.5 (pvision+3)
-waist : lao-shan coat lvl.5 (hearprotect+1)
-leggings : azure-metal leggings lvl.7

skill :
-recovery speed+1

total def :

title : blos-killer
-weapon : SnS, daora's razor (atk+1)
-helmet : rathalos helmet lvl.5 (expert+3)
-plete : hunter S mail lvl.5 (expert+1)
-gauntlets : rathalos vambrace lvl.5 (expert+3)
-waist : hunter S tasset lvl.5 (expert+1)
-leggings : rathalos greaves lvl.5 (expert+3)

skill :
-atk up (med)

total def :

title : dragon-killer
-weapon : DS, eternal schisms (sharpng+2)
-helmet : melynx helmet lvl.5
-plete : dragon S mail lvl.5 (sharpng+2)
-gauntlets : dragon S vambrace lvl.5 (sharpng+2)
-waist : dragon S tasset lvl.5 (sharpng+2)
-leggings : empress greaves lvl.5 (sharpng+2)

skill :
-quick hone

total def :384

title : insect-eyes
-weapon : LS, devil-slasher+ (hearprotect+1)
-helmet : hornet U cap lvl.5 (hearprotect+1)
-plete : blackbelt S mail lvl.5
-gauntlets : hornet vambrace lvl.5 (hearprotect+1,hearprotect+1)
-waist : blackbelt S tasset lvl.5 (hearprotect+1)
-leggings : dragon S greaves lvl.5

skill :

total def :

title : dragon-skull
-weapon : lance, skyscaper
-helmet : skull helmet lvl.7 (expert+3,sharpng+2)
-plete : dragon S mail lvl.5 (sharpng+2)
-gauntlets : steel U vambrace lvl.5
-waist : steel U tasset lvl.5 (sharpng+2,sharpng+2,sharpng+2)
-leggings : dragon S greaves lvl.5

skill :
-quick hone

total def :

title : bloody-horn
-weapon : bow, diablos horn bow II (hidek+2)
-helmet : ioprey earring lvl.1 (hidek+2)
-plete : mono-devil vest lvl.5 (everlasting+1)
-gauntlets : mono-devil guard lvl.5 (hidek+2)
-waist : mono-devil coat lvl.5 (hidek+2)
-leggings : mono-devil leggings lvl.5 (hidek+2)

skill :
-long item effects
-demon devineit

total def : 

title : kushal-killer
-weapon : LS, smolder dragonsword
-helmet : demon earring lvl.1
-plete : dragon S hide lvl.5 (sharpng+2)
-gauntlets : rathian S hands lvl.5 (hearprotect+1)
-waist : kushal Z cocoon lvl.5 (hearprotect+4)
-leggings : rathian S greaves lvl.5 (hearprotect+1)

skill :
-dragon-wind break
-whim of demon

total def :

title : dragon-bomber
-weapon : GL, gun chariot+
-helmet : felyne mask lvl.5
-plete : dragon S hide lvl.5 (sharpng+2)
-gauntlets : blackbelt Z braces lvl.5 (shapng+2,shapng+2,sharpng+2)
-waist : dragon S spine lvl.5 (sharpng+2)
-leggings : empress greaves lvl.5

skill :
-quick hone

total def :

title : razor-tooth
-weapon : LS, divine slasher (cutting+3)
-helmet : vespoid helm lvl.5 (cutting+1)
-plete : dragon S hide lvl.5 (sharpng+2)
-gauntlets : dragon S claw lvl.5 (sharpng+2)
-waist : dragon S spine lvl5 (sharpng+2)
-leggings : cephalos S greaves lvl.5

skill :
-quick hone

total def :

title : wing-breaker
-weapon : bow, glorius victory
-helmet : hero earring lvl.1
-plete : mono-devil vest lvl.5 (everlasting+1)
-gauntlets : mono-devil guard lvl.5
-waist : mono-devil coat lvl.5
-leggings : silver boots lvl.7

skill :
-long item effects
-status attack up
-attack up (sm)

total def :

title : poisonous-reaper
-weapon : LS, menacing scythe (sharpng+2)
-helmet : power earring lvl.1
-plete : dragon S hide lvl.5 (sharpng+2)
-gauntlets : blackbelt Z braces lvl.5 (sharpng+2,sharpng+2,sharpng+2)
-waist : kushal Z cocoon lvl.5
-leggings : dragon S feet lvl.5

skill :
-attack up (lg)
-status attack up
-quick hone

total def :

title : lord-of-darkness
-weapon : LS, dark katana (hearprotect+4)
-helmet : hornet U cap lvl.5 (hearprotect+1)
-plete : dragon S hide lvl.5 (sharpng+2)
-gauntlets : blackbelt Z braces lvl.5 (sharpng+2,sharpng+2,sharpng+2)
-waist : kushal Z cocoon lvl.5 (hearprotect+4)
-leggings : rathian S greaves lvvl.5 (hearprotect+1)

skill :
-high earplug
-quick hone
-demonic spirit

total def :

title : rock-crusher
-weapon : bow, harpbow (hearprotect+4)
-helmet : rathian S helm lvl.5 (health+1)
-plete : blackbelt S mail lvl.5
-gauntlets : blackbelt Z braces lvl.5 (health+2,health+2,health+2)
-waist : kushal Z cocoon lvl.5 (hearprotect+4)
-leggings : lao-shan pants lvl.5 (hearprotect+1,hearprotect+1)

skill :
-high earplug

total def :

title : wyvern-fang
-weapon : lance, expert lance (cutting+3,cutting+1)
-helmet : skull mask lvl.7 (expert+3,sharpng+2)
-plete : dragon S hide lvl.5 (sharpng+2)
-gauntlets : steel S braces lvl.5 (cutting+3)
-waist : steel S tasset lvl.5 (sharpng+2,sharpng+2,sharpng+2)
-leggings : dragon S feet lvl.5 

skill :
-quick hone

total def :

title : wyvern-tusk
-weapon : lance, scarabe (atk+3)
-helmet : hero earring lvl.1
-plete : kut-ku U mail lvl.5
-gauntlets : kut-ku U braces lvl.5
-waist : kut-ku U tasset lvl.5
-leggings : cephalos S greaves lvl.5

skill :
-attack up (lg)
-status attack up

total def :

title : poison-eaten
-weapon : GS, chrome death razor
-helmet : hero earring lvl.1
-plete : rathalos Z mail lvl.5
-gauntlets : kut-ku U braces lvl.5 (expert+1)
-waist : kut-ku U tasset lvl.5 (expert+1)
-leggings : cephalos S greaves lvl.5

skill :
-attack up (med)
-status attack up
-divine spirit

total def :

title : new-bomberman
-weapon : GL, gun chariot (bomber+2)
-helmet : felyne mask lvl.5
-plete : rathalos Z mail lvl.5
-gauntlets : blackbelt Z braces lvl.5 (sharpng+2,sharpng+2,sharpng+2)
-waist : kushal Z cocoon lvl.5 (sharpng+2,sharpng+2)
-leggings : cephalos S greaves lvl.5

skill :
-quick hone
-divine spirit

total def :

title : shining-snakegon
-weapon : DS, flaming pair (stamina+1)
-helmet : remobra face lvl.7
-plete : ancestral hide lvl.5
-gauntlets : remobra hands lvl.7
-waist : remobra belt lvl.7
-leggings : cephalos S greaves

skill :
-all resist-3

total def :

title : special-hunter
-weapon : SnS, queen rapier
-helmet : artisan earring lvl.1
-plete : rathalos Z mail lvl.5
-gauntlets : blackbelt Z braces lvl.5 (sharpng+2,sharpng+2,sharpng+2)
-waist : kushal Z cocoon lvl.5 (sharpng+2,sharpng+2)
-leggings : cephalos S armor lvl.5

skill :
-quick hone
-divine spirit

total def :

Source:Teman2 di Shadow of Hunter (

2 komentar:

  1. Walau telat 10 tahun tapi ane mau komen

    Jir armornya spek endgame

