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Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

RE4 Secret

This is some secret in Resident Evil 4...

Free Punisher Pistol
The merchant will eventually sell you the Punisher pistol, a powerful gun that can shoot bullets through enemies (letting you hit two enemies with one bullet). It's definitely worth the money to spend on it, but you can also get it for free. During part one of the first chapter, you'll come across a barn. Scattered around the barn are a number of blue medallions, along with a note explaining these medallions. If you shoot down eleven or more medallions, return to the merchant and he'll reward you with the Punisher pistol, absolutely free. Look at your map for the locations of the fifteen medallions—only seven are in the first area, and you won't be able to find the other eight until you enter the graveyard, later in the chapter.
Free Shotgun
You can actually get the Shotgun very early in the game, and totally free of cost. During the first part of the first chapter, you'll enter a village that's swarming with not-zombies. There are three main buildings in this area, and you'll find the free Shotgun on the second floor of the northeast building.
Free Broken Butterfly
At the beginning of chapter four, you can backtrack a bit with Ashley and get the Broken Butterfly pistol for free. From the start of the chapter, head west through the hall that goes by the merchant. Continue west through the next room to return to the room with the dropped cage. The area is refilled with not-zombies, but you can easily run by them to go through the doorway to the south, exiting back to the series of halls just south of the hedge maze.

Armor Mix untuk Monster Hunter 2Dos

Ini ada beberapa armor mix dari beberapa hunter nih,daru grup Shadow of Hunter (coba cari di fesbuk)......
klo bingung mau membuat mix armor,coba lihat dahulu beberapa mix armor berikut ^^

Title : devil-prey
-weapon : SnS, eternal strife
-helmet : velociprey U helmet lvl.5
-plete : velociprey U mail lvl.5
-gauntlets : genprey U vambrace lvl.5 (sharpng+2,sharpng+2)
-waist : genprey U tasset lvl.5 (sharpng+2,sharpng+2)
-leggings : ioprey U greaves lvl.5 (sharpng+2)

skill :
-quick hone

total def :

title : eagle-eyes
-weapon : bow, glorious victory
-helmet : ice-crystal earring lvl.1 (hearprotect+1)
-plete : lao-shan vest lvl.5
-gauntlets : lao-shan guard lvl.5 (pvision+3)
-waist : lao-shan coat lvl.5 (hearprotect+1)
-leggings : azure-metal leggings lvl.7

skill :
-recovery speed+1

total def :

CodeBreaker for Monster Hunter 2 Dos

Ini ada code yang bisa digunakan untuk MH2Dos... ane cuma saranin,gunakan kode ini sebijak mungkin,dgn menggunakan kode ini,anda bisa meningkatkan skill anda..atau malahan membuat anda tergantung pada kode2 tersebut..

Soooooo its your choice ^^

Master code 1
F0100208 0000000E

Master code 2
F0126A80 00126A83

Cara Mempercepat PCSX2

Nih dokumen ane buat demi ngebantu kalian yang punya masalah PCSX2 yang paling ngetrend, slow motion, atau FPS kecil. Sebenernya ini kembali ke Spek PC, untuk PCSX2, Recommend-nya : Windows 7/Vista, Intel Core 2 Duo, RAM 2 GB, Graphic Card 8800 GTI
itu Recommend-nya, kalo udah ngerasa cukup tapi masih slow motion, ini ada beberapa langkah :

1. Di Plugin Setting-nya Audio (Usahakan pake SPU2-X yang paling update), ubah pilihan di InterPolation menjadi Nearest, centang Disable Effects Processing

2. Di Plugin Setting-nya Video (Usahakan pake GSDx yang paling update), ubah Renderer ke Direct3D yang paling baru, bisa, yang 10 ato yang 11, Direct 3D 9 masih kurang menjanjikan. Jangan lupa centang Native dan Allow 8-bit Texture

3. Karena MH2DOS game Jepang yang aslinya belum keluar versi USA, Europe, dll, gunakan BIOS Jepang yang terbaru, karena kalo tipe BIOS sama game yang dimaenin sama, bisa nambah speed, bisa download disini : http://www.4* (tanda * silahkan dihapus)
